Bryson's Birthday Countdown!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas :-)

Here's a sneaky peak of our Christmas pictures and Bryson's 2m pictures! He did a GREAT job and so did Nikki at JCPenny! I'll tell ya, I couldn't be happier with these pictures. There are LOTS more, but I'm only going to post a few. Please comment and leave your email if you'd like to view the rest. I can link you the website and access code.

The same afternoon that we had pictures, we also had Bryson's 2m appt. EW! I hate taking him in for vaccines. It makes me sooo sad to see him in pain. And I think it doesn't help b/c I have to hold him down for it. BUT, I also know that it's important that he get these shots so he doesn't get sick. That's what I keep telling myself at least. I can't believe that my little chunker weighs 12lbs 13oz and is 23.5in long! He's a growing boy for sure! The pedi said everything is looking great. He was also glad to hear that the Zantac was helping his reflux significantly and is pretty sure that he's going to grow out of it eventually. Boy wouldn't that be nice!!! We don't go back to the dr. until 4m unless he is sick. So here's hoping we don't have to go back before then!

I also worked this past weekend w/o any tears at all. That first week back was SO difficult and I cried a LOT. Now, it's not bad and I"m back into my routine. I also know that it's good for Dave to spend time with Bryson just the two of them so that helps a lot :-) Oh, and we had another first this weekend! Saturday night Bryson stayed the night with Grandma & Grandpa while Dave and I went to his Christmas party at Fox & The Hound. We had a great time and so did Bryson. I was surprised I made it the whole night and didn't go pick him up when we left at 10:30 but it was just so nice to get a long uninterrupted sleep. We didn't wake up until 9:30 on Sunday! It was awesome!

Well, I'm going to finish putting up some decorations for Christmas and start getting stuff together to go to mom's this afternoon. We're baking Christmas cookies :-) YUMMMY!

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